New Arrival – Keesha Dawn

Keisha DawnWelcome Keesha Dawn!  Born January 28th, 2011, to Augusta Dawn in a snowstorm no less.

It was touch and go for awhile as Keesha was very very small, but mom and babe are doing well now.  They will stay together at Merciful Maiden Critter Haven.

The Merciful Maiden had to meet a kind lady in bad weather in order to obtain some colostrum for Keesha as mama llama Augusta had no milk for Keesha at first.  Without colostrum, Keesha would probably not have survived.  Thank you Donna for meeting up with us to help Keesha.

Llama Shearing

Llama Shearing 1Llama shearing time is here. Every spring all of the llamas are sheared, given vaccines,and hoof-trimmed.  Given their origins, llamas tolerate the cold (to a  limit, of course), but they cannot tolerate the heat well.  Furthermore, llamas are very stoic animals in that  they do not express pain or discomfort obviously to you.  So, unsheared llamas will suffer silently in the heat.  Humane treatment of llamas demands that they be sheared for summer/heat comfort and shade and water provided.

Llama Shearing 2My llama shearer is Lori Chowning from Montana (406-222-1553) who quietly and calmly shears the llamas.  They are NOT roped or thrown to the ground and traumatized.  They are gently secured to panels and quietly sheared and treated.  What a difference this type of treatment makes for them.  Donations to help pay for the llama shearing would be greatly appreciated!

llama Shearing 3


Llama Babies


Llama  mothers carry their crias for 12 months and generally only have one cria.  They are very private during the birthing, but it is a very big social event for the llama group!  The other llamas will come over to meet the new member to their group and will help the mother protect the cria from predators.