Merciful Maiden Critter Haven
A supporter established a Go Fund Me campaign, on September 7, 2023, to help us feed the animals. Please go to the campaign and contribute to hay for the horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, and llamas! The link is:
Thank you so much for your help!
Merciful Maiden Critter Haven is a haven for many types of birds and animals and is located in the Klamath Falls, Oregon area. Merciful Maiden Critter Haven tries to rescue as many animals as possible from slaughter, canned hunts, abuse and neglect. For example, in 2007 we rescued 14 llamas from certain death. The llamas were being sold at auction and were going to be bought by a man to be used for a llama shoot. Fortunately, Merciful Maiden Critter Haven was able to buy the llamas and bring them to the Haven. More have since been rescued and some have been relocated.
Every day there are calls to help goats, kids, sheep, lambs, birds, llamas, dogs, cats, rabbits, and donkeys. If you are able to assist by making a donation towards the care of the animals at the Haven, please do so. 100% of all donations are used to feed and care for the animals. To learn more, click the menu items, above and right, and follow our blog, below.
Please help the animals by making a generous donation.
Bottle Feeding Baby Goats
At this time of year, Merciful Maiden Critter Haven gets many calls to help motherless baby goats and lambs. They must be bottle-fed on a regular schedule. In Ollie’s case, his mother died en route to slaughter. Ollie and his baba ( bottle) are such a...
Llama Babies
Llama mothers carry their crias for 12 months and generally only have one cria. They are very private during the birthing, but it is a very big social event for the llama group! The other llamas will come over to meet the new member to their group and will help the...